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55 Medina, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 66
Religion: Christian - Evangelical
i like to have fun but know when it's time to get busy... here are some examples of me: country music, and classic rock, are my favorite types of music, but contemporary christian, and anything logical i can handle... i like to workout, bowl, and play golf, but don't get a chance to do that much... i write poetry, sing rather well, and can sketch and design at above an above average level... i'm english, welsh, easterrn cherokee, and blackfoot indian... these are things to live after: The Knights Code of Chivalry and the vows of Knighthood the Knights Codes of Chivalry are as follows: To fear God and maintain His Church To serve the liege lord in valor and faith (i don't think so) To protect the weak and defenseless To give help to widows and orphans To refrain from the wanton giving of offense To live by honor and for glory To despise pecuniary reward To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority To guard the honor of fellow knights To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit To keep faith At all times to speak the truth To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun now about the girl i'm looking to spending forever with and the type i'm after: It’s about a lot more than beauty and sexiness, a woman needs to show that she’d be a great partner for life before you can consider marrying her. She is intellectually challenging. She is honest and genuine. She is empathetic. She's ambitious. She's consistent. She's family oriented. She holds similar values. and she makes me the best i can be by being together!!! i'm not one of those guys who likes to stay up late chatting on the computer and i'm usually in bed by 10:30pm, so i am not a night owl by any means of the word!!! i just got a smart phone and use my laptop to find the one i'm meant to be with... but i don't mind a genuine date until i find her, but not a fling, i'm more into a deeper relationship... but i have not dated in at least 3 years...
Yojanse Rosario
26 Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 26
Religion: Christian - Evangelical
28 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Male 18 - 30
Religion: Christian - Evangelical
Pablo Gabriel
62 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 40 - 50
Religion: Christian - Evangelical
I have a passion for Christ, a deep love for my three Godly-gifted children, and for my family in Argentina. Every day I choose to encourage people, while I encourage them to smile!☺ I am a “Papi” (Daddy) of three wonderful children, two boys and one girl who is the youngest. One of the greatest blessings is that the three of them love and serve the Lord Jesus with all their heart. My children and I are very involved in our church's worship ministry. The three of them are talented musicians: they play guitar, drums and keyboards, and my girl and I also love to sing. I own a Christian homeschool, which I named International Christian Academy. So, the Lord allowed me to provide for my three children to have been homeschooled. My girl have received a meaningful scholarship at a high-ranking university in North Carolina, and she desires to become a Dietitian/Nutritionist like her Mom. My two boys are Engineers (like me) and both studied at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). My oldest was awarded the coveted Levine Scholarship, and my middle son has been always in the Honors Program. My oldest already graduated in May 2018, double major, Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration, and last June 2018 got married to an awesome Christian lady (now my dear “daughter-in-Christ”). My middle son has been a Computer Engineer since May 2019, achieved his Master Degree in Computer Engineering in 2020; and he is presently working on his PhD (Doctorate Degree) in Artificial Intelligence. I am a native of Argentina, and I am blessed and honoured to be a dual citizen of Argentina and of the USA. I have been residing in the United States since 1987. My academic degree is in Electrical Engineering. The Lord blessed me with several impacting work experiences. Two of them are: 10 and a half years with SIEMENS as their International Sales Manager for México, Latin America, The Caribbean, and Spain (region comprised of 26 countries); and then, 8 and a half years with Duke Energy as a Business Development Sales Manager for Large Businesses. However, in 2014, I changed careers to become a Teacher of Spanish for Christian schools. I am also a Professional Spanish Linguist, Interpreter, and Translator with expertise in the Spanish and in the English languages, and in the Spanish and Latin American cultures. But, guess what?: In May of 2018, I believe that the Lord showed me that I needed to transition back to the corporate world. I am also pursuing (interrupted for the moment) a Master of Education degree, Master of Education in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (Maestría de Profesor de Español como Lengua Extranjera), with the Universidad de Barcelona, UNIBA-Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona, Barcelona, España. The Master’s program is done via their “on-line campus” (UNIBA), but I have the option of defending my final thesis in person at the University of Barcelona in Spain. I have a very dynamic personality, with a lot of energy, and I am very creative...I guess I consider myself the "non-typical male", since I believe that God gifted me with the virtues and qualities from “both sides of the brain”. That means that, I like shopping, I like clothing, I like looking at jewelry and buying it for my children or for a loved one; I like Christian Performing Arts; Christian Rock music; Christian Praise & Worship Music; Creative Worship Arts; etc., etc.; I love serving the Lord while coaching and teaching fútbol (soccer) combined with Bible teaching and Praise & Worship music to children and teenagers…And at the same time, I enjoy Science; Applied Advanced Mathematics; High Technology; Precision devices and tools; etc… I am very passionate, romantic, dynamic person with a jovial joyful Spirit. Yes, I have the joy of the Lord in my heart, and you will know it!☺ I am also very sensitive, expressive, with vibrant emotional intelligence and creativity. I love and respect the women of my life with extreme delicate care, and I devote my absolute total attention, and my life to them, because that is God's command for a man of God. I still need “more time” to talk about my precious children and how proud I am of what God is doing in them and through them…Plus more: How the Lord have blessed me with my life experiences mostly all over the Americas, and some other places in the world; and more excitement…(“to be completed”…)☺ I am looking for a lady who loves Christ more than anybody and anything else in the world, and therefore does take her Christian faith seriously with passion and fire for Jesus. And if it is God’s will, I want to marry her and spend the rest of our lives together; that means: Growing young together. (As a final note, I am sorry but I will not respond to anyone without photos in their profile.) To me, being a Christian means: To live surrendered to Jesus Christ as my Lord, my Saviour, and the Giver of infinite grace. My favorite Bible passage and why: This is one of my many favourites: 'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' (‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33‬:‭3‬ NASB) ...Because it is TRUE in my life, as I firmly believe in all of God's promises in His Word.☺...And: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ NASB) And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ NLT)
38 Miami, Florida, United States
Seeking: Male 36 - 43
Religion: Christian - Evangelical



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